Tag: Accessibility

Twitter update increases character limit, but some users are still left out

Social media platform Twitter recently updated their service to display messages of 280 characters. Product Manager Aliza Rosen explains this update is meant to build a better user experience, in a blog post she details: “Historically, 9% of Tweets in English hit the character limit. This reflects the challenge of fitting a thought into a […]

Is Japan the Most Accessible Country?

Traveling to another country can be a nerve wracking experience for even the most seasoned adventurers. Now imagine doing it with a vision and hearing impairment. Recently Cristina Hartmann did so while spending two and a half weeks in Japan, the last destination on her 4-month trip around the world. She tellsĀ her story on the […]

Our Trip to the Assistive Technology Tryout & Access Center at CDCI in Vermont

Last week, some Accessible Web team members visited the Center on Disability & Community Inclusion at the University of Vermont! Our goal at Accessible Web is not only to create accessible websites but to better understand assistive technology available. We wanted to look deeper at what’s available to help people perform regular tasks. The building […]