Clear, Concise, and Convenient: The Importance of Plain Language
Learn how using plain language can improve user experience, make web content more accessible to everyone, and even boost your SEO rankings. What is plain language? Plain language is simple, straightforward, and easy to understand communication. The Plain Writing Act of 2010 defines plain language as: Writing that is clear, concise, well-organized, and follows other […]
Accessible Web to Attend Axe-Con
To us, being an a11y means never stop learning and growing our accessibility efforts. Opportunities such as Axe-Con are the perfect opportunity for our team to learn from trusted industry leaders. Axe-Con, named after Deque System’s Axe-core® project, will focus on the current state of web accessibility and how it can grow further. The Axe-core® […]
A11y Updates: Instagram, Twitch, and Zoom
This past August we published a blog post showcasing some of the latest A11y Updates for Windows, Firefox, and Apple. For our next installment in this series, we’re talking about accessibility updates to Instagram, Twitch, and Zoom! We love seeing companies taking strides to create a more inclusive experience on the web and hope that […]
Disability Drives Innovation: A11y Spotlight
Haben Girma, the first person who is deaf-blind to graduate from Harvard Law School, believes that disability drives innovation. She uses the example of two Italian friends whose desire to correspond through letters sparked the invention of the typewriter. One was blind and the other sighted, so the latter created a machine where his friend […]
Why Voting Must Be Accessible to All & How It Isn’t
If voting is a civic duty, shouldn’t all voters have access to all steps of the process? As state and federal elections draw near this question is urgent and, because of Covid-19 in-person options for voting are more risky or, just plan unavailable. Unfortunately when it comes to digital access, voting is not an easy […]
Assistive Technology Focus: Sip and Puff Devices
Most types of assistive technology we’ve outlined in previous posts, require the use of one’s hands, motor capacity or mobility of another part of the body in order to use computer devices and the internet. That’s why, for our next post in our Assistive Technology Focus series, we’re going to discuss Sip and Puff devices. […]
Deadline approaching for Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
In 2005 Ontario became the first Canadian Province to pass accessibility laws and has one of the most comprehensive policies created to date: The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). Many countries, like the US, have laws that require government organizations or organizations that use government funds to have and procure accessible technology, websites […]
Assistive Technology Focus: Braille Devices
One of the best things about being in the digital accessibility field is learning about the innovative tools that give users with disabilities the ability to access and understand content they otherwise could not experience. Assistive technology (AT) allows folks with disabilities to access computers, electronic devices and the web using additional or alternative input […]
Thirty Years After the ADA Was Passed, There Is Still Lots To Be Done
On July 26th, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law. In the past 30 years, many improvements to our physical world have been made–from curb cutouts, to accessible entrances to braille buttons on elevators, ATMs and kiosks. Many people with disabilities stress that though their lives have vastly improved since it […]
Misconceptions About Making Websites Accessible
We’ve put together a list of the 3 most common myths about web accessibility and the reasons they just are not true! #1 “Making my site accessible only benefits a small number of people.” One of the most common misconceptions about accessibility is that it only benefits people with disabilities. That is not true. Making […]