
Bring Your School into Compliance with New Jersey’s Web Accessibility Act A4856

If you work for a school or school district in New Jersey, it is important to start planning for NJ’s new web accessibility requirements defined in Act A4856. Accessible Web’s team of specialists can help you create a plan! Accessible Web’s Top 10 Tips for Complying with New Jersey’s Web Accessibility Act A4856: 1. Understand […]

The Value of Ongoing Page Monitoring for Accessibility

Accessibility is an ongoing process–every comprehensive accessibility strategy includes a plan for ongoing page monitoring. Learn how automated page monitoring tools can help you maintain accessibility after your initial audit and remediation engagement. Demonstrate your commitment to creating a barrier-free experience for users with disabilities by keeping up with and fixing accessibility issues as they […]

A Q&A with our New Team Member, Gianna Barnhart

Last month, Gianna Barnhart joined Accessible Web as our Sales Development Representative. A Champlain College alumn, she recognizes the importance of web accessibility as the web becomes increasingly integral to our daily lives. Through first-hand experience in college, she became aware of the inaccessibility on the web that still exists today. We’re excited to see […]

A11Y Center: Take Pride in Your Web Accessibility Work

It is never too early to install Accessible Web’s A11Y Center on your website. Show the world that you’re dedicated to making your website accessible to everyone, including those who use assistive technology. What is the A11Y Center? The A11Y Center provides a variety of resources and accessibility information to your users. It is fast […]

Client Highlight: Sparkpath

We congratulate our amazing client, Sparkpath, on achieving WCAG 2.1 AA conformance on their application! Their physical and digital tools let students take control of their future by allowing them to explore their passions in meaningful ways. They give students confidence, knowledge, and access to career exploration. Serious Commitment A commitment to web accessibility is […]

Do Away with Overlays

Companies advertising overlays and automated accessibility “solutions” are selling the perception of accessibility, not the real deal. What is an overlay? Overlays are website add-on products that aim to improve website accessibility instantly, by adding as little as one line of code. Companies advertise overlays, plugins, and toolbar widgets as cheap and automated accessibility fixes. […]

UX Testing – Refreshable Braille Displays

User experience testing with real users will identify accessibility and usability issues not captured through automated processes. Our experienced testers will navigate through your website using their assistive technology, including refreshable braille displays. What is Braille? Braille is a symbolic system used to represent print using raised dots that a person with visual impairments can […]

Clear, Concise, and Convenient: The Importance of Plain Language

Learn how using plain language can improve user experience, make web content more accessible to everyone, and even boost your SEO rankings. What is plain language? Plain language is simple, straightforward, and easy to understand communication. The Plain Writing Act of 2010 defines plain language as: Writing that is clear, concise, well-organized, and follows other […]

2021: A Year in Review

Happy Holidays from the Accessible Web team! This past year has been full of growth and exciting developments over here at Accessible Web, and we wanted to take a moment to thank our community for being a part of our mission to make the web accessible for everyone. We have a lot to celebrate this […]’s Web Accessibility Specialist Certified Team Grows

Your web accessibility journey requires a team effort. There are a lot of moving parts to achieve conformance. This is why we partner up with our parent company,, for accessible design and development jobs. From building from scratch to accessibility remediation support, they can help. Our teams can step in for organizations without a […]