Introducing New In-Extension Remediation Instructions
With over 10,000 weekly users, the Accessible Web Helper browser extension has already become an integral part of web accessibility workflows around the world. We’ve heard from web agencies, businesses, and independent website builders about how it helps speed up their discovery of accessibility issues on a website — as well as other functionality that they would like to see.
A piece of feedback we’ve heard consistently from people that use both the Accessible Web Helper and our RAMP platform is they’d like to see more of the features they love in RAMP present in the browser plugin. They like the ability to identify issues while looking at a website but don’t want to flip between two apps to do the job. We’ve heard this loud and clear and are in the process of enhancing the Accessible Web Helper with functionality from RAMP.
Now, when you have a paid RAMP subscription and find an issue with the Accessible Web Helper browser plugin, you’ll find remediation instructions written by our accessibility specialists for each success criteria failure in the browser extension. Combine this with recently added functionality to send tasks to RAMP from the browser extension, and you have a new and powerful way to identify, understand, create, and assign remediation tasks all from one tab in your browser.

To unlock this timesaving feature and manage the accessibility of one or hundreds of websites, you’ll need to signup for RAMP. You can check out a free 14-day trial of RAMP here. We know you’ll love our suite of web accessibility testing tools.