The Value of Ongoing Page Monitoring for Accessibility
Accessibility is an ongoing process–every comprehensive accessibility strategy includes a plan for ongoing page monitoring. Learn how automated page monitoring tools can help you maintain accessibility after your initial audit and remediation engagement.
Keeping up with and fixing accessibility issues as they arise demonstrates your commitment to creating a barrier-free experience for users with disabilities. An ongoing monitoring strategy can also save time and money in the long run by eliminating the need for full annual re-audits.
Despite being the most effective way to maintain accessibility and WCAG conformance, ongoing monitoring is often overlooked. The W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) recommends implementing automated or semi-automated testing, after your initial accessibility audit and remediations have been completed, to help your site stay in conformance.
Some page monitoring tools, like our Accessible Web RAMP, can be set to run automated accessibility scans at set intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) to match the needs of your website.
How frequently you need to review your site for new accessibility issues depends on the nature of your website. If your website regularly grows or changes, you’ll likely need to monitor your website more frequently to detect new barriers to access as they arise. If your site is rarely modified, monthly or quarterly scans may be more than sufficient to ensure continued compliance with accessibility standards after an initial audit and certification.