
Assistive Technologies

Learn about assistive technologies, both new and established, and how these breakthrough innovations help people navigate the world and web.

Our Trip to the Assistive Technology Tryout & Access Center at CDCI in Vermont

Last week, some Accessible Web team members visited the Center on Disability & Community Inclusion at the University of Vermont! Our goal at Accessible Web is not only to create accessible websites but to better understand assistive technology available. We wanted to look deeper at what’s available to help people perform regular tasks. The building […]

NFB Newsline – The App You Should Know About

Do you know the NFB-NEWSLINE? It’s an exciting phone service that lets you quickly and easily listen to the news straight from your phone. The Newsline provides non visual access to traditional newspapers, magazines, and other publications, converted to an easy to use audio format. By using their iPhone app you can “read” news, “on […]

Top Recommended Screen Readers

Screen readers are software programs that allow blind or visually impaired users to read content displayed on a computer screen with a speech synthesizer or braille display—they are the interface between the computer’s operating system, its applications, and the user. Disabled World has compiled a list of available recommended screen readers that can help the visually impaired. From the […]