
Accessible Web Podcast

Cozy up with the Accessible Web team and expert guests and learn about history, modern accessible companies, civil rights, and more.

Accessible Web Podcast: Heather Berg on UX Testing for Accessibility

The Accessible Web Podcast is excited to welcome another special guest to this week’s episode. Accessible Web’s own Heather Berg will be joining us to discuss UX testing for accessibility. Heather is Accessible Web’s A11Y UX Testing Coordinator and manages our team of assistive technology UX testers.

Accessible Web Podcast – Ann E. Dolloff and Norm Staunton on Adaptive Recreation

The Accessible Web Podcast is excited to welcome two more special guests to this week’s episode. Ann E. Dolloff and Norm Staunton will be joining our hosts, Peter Jewett and George Heake to discuss adaptive recreation. Ann E. Dolloff, M.Ed., CTRS, has been full-time faculty in the Recreation Therapy Program at Temple University since 2012. […]

Accessible Web Podcast: William Lynch on Civil Rights

The Accessible Web Podcast will be joined this week by William Lynch. Lynch currently serves as Assistant General Counsel for the Fair Housing Compliance Division. As a Compliance Division attorney, Lynch is responsible for providing counsel on agency and grantee compliance with various fair housing and civil rights laws. Including the Rehabilitation Act, Americans with […]

Accessible Web Podcast: Blaise Liffick on Computing and Assistive Technologies

The Accessible Web Podcast will be joined this week by Blaise Liffick. Liffick joined the computing field when computers were room-sized monsters. Working for companies such as IBM and Eastman Kodak, Liffick was on the front lines as computers evolved. When the age of desk-top computers finally arrived, he became senior editor of BYTE Magazine, […]

Accessible Web Podcast: Deaf Link’s Kay Chiodo and Dan Heller

The Accessible Web Podcast is excited to welcome another special guest to this week’s episode. Kay Chiodo and Dan Heller from Deaf Link will be joining Peter Jewett and George Heake to discuss current issues in the accessibility space. Deaf Link is a Woman-Owned Business started in 2002 to help organizations provide equitable and effective […]

Accessible Web Podcast: Karl Horvath on Accessibility in Education

In this week’s installment of the Accessible Web Podcast, Peter Jewett and George Heake will be joined by special guest Karl Horvath. This week’s episode will focus on Accessibility in the educational space. Karl Horvath is the President of Campus Consortium, a nonprofit organization focused on improving IT in higher education. Accessibility has become a […]

Accessible Web Podcast: Dan Goldstein on Accessibility and Civil Rights

The Accessible Web Podcast is excited to announce our first guest. Dan Goldstein, a prominent civil rights attorney from Baltimore, has played a crucial role in the push for increased accessibility. During his time as counsel for the National Federation of The Blind, Goldstein fought to ensure the Americans With Disabilities Act applied to the […]

Accessible Web Podcast Launch

Accessible Web is celebrating Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), Thursday May 20th, by launching our new podcast at 4 pm EST. Over the course of our podcast, we will be inviting special guests ranging from activists to lawyers in the accessibility space to speak on the podcast.  We’ll also be featuring members of our team […]