RAMP can notify you and your team of new user tickets, new remediation tasks, new comments on tasks, and more. By default, these notifications are all set to “Notify Via App” only.
To receive email notifications instead of or in addition to in-app notifications, each user can customize their notification settings. Notification settings can be adjusted on an account level and a website level.
To adjust your account level notification preferences, navigate to My Account and then the Notification Settings tab. Here you can control whether notifications are sent in-app, via email, or both.
To adjust your notification settings on a website level, navigate to RAMP Settings from within a RAMP website account. Within RAMP Settings, in the bottom right-hand corner of your website’s RAMP account, you will find a tab for Notifications. Adjusting the settings here will only impact the website account you are currently viewing. This allows you to decide which notifications you want to receive for each website you have access to in RAMP.
Scan Digest Email Settings
By default, the owner of a website’s RAMP account will also receive a weekly Scanner Digest email. Scanner Digest emails contain a summary of the latest activity on a website’s account.
Website owners can manage their Scanner Digest settings by navigating to RAMP Settings > Notifications within their website’s RAMP account. From the Notifications tab in RAMP Settings, website owners can set scan digest emails to send to additional teammates and clients, whether or not they have their own RAMP accounts.
If your website is owned by an organization, all organization admins will receive these weekly Scan Digest emails.
Troubleshooting & Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions you aren’t seeing the answers to? Get in contact with us.