3 Accessibility Website Myths
We’ve put together a list of the 3 most common myths about web accessibility and the reasons they just are not true! #1 “Making my site accessible only benefits a few people.” One of the most common misconceptions about accessibility is that it only benefits people with disabilities. That is not true. Making websites more […]
Four Easy Ways to Make Social Media Posts Accessible
We talk a lot about making web content and functionality accessible and how doing so takes a commitment and sometimes a lot of work. Something that doesn’t take much time—but is often overlooked when discussing accessibility—is social media. Several social media platforms make it fairly easy to create accessible posts. Here’s an overview of how […]
Assistive Technology Focus: Keyboard
Imagine not being able to use a mouse or touchpad to use your computer. Folks with motor disabilities, vision issues–including blindness– or even a broken hand cannot use a mouse to point to items on the screen, click on check-boxes, or “right click.” This is where the trusty keyboard comes in. Considering that early computers […]
Assistive Technology Focus: Captioning, Transcripts and Audio Descriptions
I love captioning. I realized that I understand content, easily retain information and enjoy my viewing experiences more when I watch videos, TV and movies with the text right on my screen. Plus, I rarely need to backtrack to figure out what a character in a movie or show said! This is an example of […]
Assistive Technology Focus: Screen Readers
…the Internet can mean many things to people with a disability: a luxury, a necessity, a way to participate in the information society, a way to gain access to more information than was previously available, or only one of the many ways of accessing information. It is also seen as a technology which may potentially […]
Accessible Video Conferencing While Social Distancing & Working From Home
To date, most states in the U.S. have some type of “stay at home” or “shelter in place” order to prevent further spread of COVID-19. Many are relying on video conferencing tools to socialize and stay connected to friends and family. These video conferencing tools have become even more important for the almost 30% of […]
Are JavaScript Based Accessibility Toolbars a Viable Way to Meet ADA Compliance?
The digital accessibility industry is flooded with companies selling accessibility toolbars that allow users to change font-specific settings and contrast settings, use a built-in screen reader, and make other accessibility-based site adjustments. Many of these companies claim guaranteed ADA compliance just by purchasing a subscription to the toolbar and implementing it on your site. This […]
What is a VPAT?
If you have created a digital product or service that federal government employees use or if you receive funding from the federal government, you need a VPAT® (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template®). A VPAT® is a document table that contains information about how an ICT (information & communications technology) product or service conforms with the refreshed […]
Accessibility Legal Considerations
Navigating the accessibility requirements for your organization can be challenging. Not to mention, no firmly established laws apply to all businesses and require actual compliance. The following questions may help identify how the legal and policy aspects of Web accessibility apply to your organization:* What Happens if Your Organization is Non-Compliant? Recently, there have been legal action taken […]
Standards & Guidelines
Accessibility guidelines were built to help businesses and organizations deliver content on the web in a way that makes it easy for everyone to gain meaning from the content. The web audience is diverse; some users rely on assistive technology or special user agents to help them navigate. These guidelines built a set of standards, […]