Information, structure, and relationships conveyed through presentation can be programmatically determined or are available in text.
Questions & Answers
Should labels for form fields be coded as headings?
Should labels for form fields be coded as headings?
- forms
- headings
- labels
How should I hide the slides of a carousel that aren’t displayed visually?
How should I hide the slides of a carousel that aren't displayed visually?
- accessibility tree
- carousel
- focus
Does the level one heading tag on a page need to be visible to the eye and to screen readers?
I'm working on using headings to help make my website easier for screen reader users to navigate a page. Do I need to have both a visible <h1> heading and an <h1> tag that a screen reader can recognize?
- headings
- html
- page structure
What are description lists?
What are description lists and when should I use them?
- description lists
- html
- lists
When should I use required vs. aria-required?
In a form field, when should I use required vs. aria-required?
- aria
- aria attributes
- form
- html
Are semantic heading levels important?
Why are semantic/programmatic heading levels important?
- headings
- text
Why can’t I use CSS :before and :after to insert content?
It's really very annoying that CSS pseudo element content, either :before or :after is outlawed. It is a really useful way of storing stock responses to activities, effectively creating global variables that have to be set only once. Eg html[lang="en"] [pageType="multichoice"] .wellDoneDiv::before{ content:"Well Done, that's...
- css psuedo content
Are Landmarks Required?
Are landmarks required? Do you have to have landmarks to comply with WCAG?
- aria landmarks
- landmarks
What Are the Code Differences between Links vs Buttons?
Where can I find code (html, css, and javascript) examples of links vs buttons.
- buttons
- html
- links
What does “accessibility node not exposed” mean?
I was checking to make sure an element on my page has an accessible name in Chrome's Developer Tools and under the Computed Properties section of the Accessibility panel, it says "Accessibility node note exposed. Element not interesting for accessibility." What does that mean?
- accessibility node
- hidden content