Information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive.
Questions & Answers
What if color is the only way to differentiate links from normal text?
What should I do if color is used to differentiate links from normal text?
- links
- ui component
- Use of color
Can an aside element contain a navigation?
Can an aside element contain a navigation?
- aria landmarks
- aside
- nav
What are the contrast requirements for visible focus states?
The UI components on my page receive a visible indication of focus but the visible focus indicator is not native. What are the contrast requirements for visible focus states?
- non-text contrast
- states
- UI components
When should I use autocomplete attributes?
If the user is expected to be entering information about someone else into a form, do the form inputs still need autocomplete values?
- autocomplete
- form
- form fields
- forms
How much alt text does my map need?
I’m updating a website with an apartment community map. The map includes a map legend and shows the locations of buildings, mailboxes, and other outdoor amenities like our BBQ grills. I’ve added alternative text to the map: “The River Drive apartment complex map and map...
- alt text
- complex images
- graphics
How should I highlight important text?
What is the appropriate method to code visually emphasized text?
- bold
- emphasized
- italics
What do I do when an alt text field is too small for my description?
The alt text field is too small to contain all of the text in images of documents that I post. What's the solution and what are the applicable WCAG success criteria?
- alternative text
- images
How do I code an image as a link and make it accessible?
I have an image on my site that I want to code as a link? How do I code an image as a link and make it accessible?
- alt text
- images
- links
How detailed should image alt text be?
We’re writing image descriptions for product pages, and there are a lot of image details we could potentially include in the alternative text. How much detail is really required?
- alt text
- best practices
- images