Make it easier for users to see and hear content including separating foreground from background.
Questions & Answers
Do company logos meet ADA compliance?
Do company logos (uploaded as .jpg) meet ADA compliance?
- color
- contrast
- contrast ratios
Does placeholder text need to meet color contrast requirements?
Placeholder text for form inputs are often times very light. Does placeholder text need to meet contrast requirements?
- color
- text
What are the contrast requirements for an element’s focus, mouseover & select states?
I'm working on updating my focus, mouseover (hover) & select (active) states and want to make sure that my new design meets contrast requirements. What are the contrast requirements for these different states?
- focus
- mouseover
- select
- states
Are there different contrast ratio requirements for text and for UI elements?
I want to make sure that my site uses proper contrast ratios. Are there different contrast ratio requirements for text and for UI elements?
- color
- contrast
- contrast ratios
Minimum font size?
I like the look of smaller text on the web. And even if the text is pretty normal size, some subheadings or small bits of info look nice if they are much smaller (thinking 12px or so). Is there a minimum font size that is...
- text
Browser zoom vs text zoom. Which is better?
I noticed that some sites have a text re-sizer option in the header. Why not just allow the user to use the browser zoom? Is one better than the other?
- keyboard
- text
How can I test text color contrast?
Is there a way that I can test the color contrast of text and graphics?
- color
- graphics
- text
- wave scanner
Do images and art need to follow accessibility rules?
My site contains a lot of artwork, graphics, and some photography. My question is whether or not I need to do anything if they don't meet requirements. Or do they get a pass?
- art
- color
- graphics
- images
- video
Company colors don’t pass contrast guidelines.
The company colors don't pass contrast guidelines, and the entire site is built on that color scheme. Are there any exceptions to this rule, and if so, what would you suggest?
- branding
- color
How do you fix a “suspicious link text” warning in the Wave Scanner?
I ran my page through the wave scanner in chrome and got 'suspicious link text' as a warning. My question is this... how specific do I need to make the text? If I go over the top and make it super specific it goes away...
- best practices
- building content
- html
- wave scanner