Create content that can be presented in different ways (for example simpler layout) without losing information or structure.
Questions & Answers
What is an unordered list vs. an ordered list?
What is the difference between a <ul> and an <ol>?
- html
- lists
- ordered list
- unordered list
What is a block quote, and when should I use it?
What is a block quotation, when should I use it, and why is it important?
- blockquote
- html
- page structure
What’s the difference between aria-controls and aria-owns?
What's the difference between aria-controls and aria-owns?
- aria
- aria-controls
- aria-owns
What’s the difference between a fieldset and a radio group?
What is the main difference between a fieldset and a radio group?
- aria
- forms
- html
How do I confirm that content is not restricted based on display orientation?
How do I test a website or application to confirm that the content is not restricted to a specific display orientation?
- display
- manual testing
- mobile
Should labels for form fields be coded as headings?
Should labels for form fields be coded as headings?
- forms
- headings
- labels
How should I hide the slides of a carousel that aren’t displayed visually?
How should I hide the slides of a carousel that aren't displayed visually?
- accessibility tree
- carousel
- focus
Does the level one heading tag on a page need to be visible to the eye and to screen readers?
I'm working on using headings to help make my website easier for screen reader users to navigate a page. Do I need to have both a visible <h1> heading and an <h1> tag that a screen reader can recognize?
- headings
- html
- page structure
What are description lists?
What are description lists and when should I use them?
- description lists
- html
- lists
When should I use required vs. aria-required?
In a form field, when should I use required vs. aria-required?
- aria
- aria attributes
- form
- html