Information, structure, and relationships conveyed through presentation can be programmatically determined or are available in text.
Questions & Answers
Can an aside element contain a navigation?
Can an aside element contain a navigation?
- aria landmarks
- aside
- nav
How should I highlight important text?
What is the appropriate method to code visually emphasized text?
- bold
- emphasized
- italics
How are layout tables and data tables different?
What is the difference between layout tables and data tables?
- Data Tables
- Layout Tables
- Tables
What is a DOM, and how does it affect accessibility?
What is a DOM, and how does it affect accessibility?
- html
- page structure
What is an unordered list vs. an ordered list?
What is the difference between a <ul> and an <ol>?
- html
- lists
- ordered list
- unordered list
What is a block quote, and when should I use it?
What is a block quotation, when should I use it, and why is it important?
- blockquote
- html
- page structure
What’s the difference between aria-controls and aria-owns?
What's the difference between aria-controls and aria-owns?
- aria
- aria-controls
- aria-owns
What’s the difference between a fieldset and a radio group?
What is the main difference between a fieldset and a radio group?
- aria
- forms
- html