Information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive.
Questions & Answers
What is a block quote, and when should I use it?
What is a block quotation, when should I use it, and why is it important?
- blockquote
- html
- page structure
What’s the difference between aria-controls and aria-owns?
What's the difference between aria-controls and aria-owns?
- aria
- aria-controls
- aria-owns
Do vector graphics in animated videos need to follow color contrast guidelines?
Do vector graphics in animated videos need to follow color contrast guidelines?
- animation
- contrast
- video
Users can upload images to my web app. Am I required to provide alt text?
Users can upload images to my web app. Am I required to provide alt text?
- alt text
- images
- user content
What’s the difference between a fieldset and a radio group?
What is the main difference between a fieldset and a radio group?
- aria
- forms
- html
How do I confirm that content is not restricted based on display orientation?
How do I test a website or application to confirm that the content is not restricted to a specific display orientation?
- display
- manual testing
- mobile
Does an element’s hover state have to reach 3:1 contrast ratio?
I have a dropdown list with black text in a form. Does the background bar on the hover states as you hover over each selection option require a 3.1 contrast ratio against the white container background, or can I use a light gray background bar...
- contrast
- hover state
What are the requirements for text spacing?
What are the accessibility requirements for text spacing?
- text spacing
- wcag
Is there a minimum font size for copyright information?
Is there a minimum font size for copyright information?
- Font
- resize text