Information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive.
Questions & Answers
In screen reader testing, why aren’t my tags for emphasized text being announced?
I coded my bold and italicized text with the proper <strong> and <em> tags, but it doesn't sound any different in screen reader testing. What should I do?
- bold
- emphasized
- italics
- user experience
If images have captions, do they need alt text?
I have images on my page that include captions. Do I also need to write alternative text for the images?
- alt text
- captions
- images
Why is tooltip text required to be hoverable?
I’ve created a tooltip that pops up when the user mouses over a button. Why would a user move their mouse onto the tooltip?
- content on hover or focus
- tooltip
How do I create a collapsible list?
I have a list of items that can have up to 50 items, and we only want to display the first 3, but have the remaining items in a "...47 more" style link which opens a scrollable popup. What is a good accessible solution?
- aria-posinet
- aria-setsize
- collapsible list
- lists
How do I write instructions that don’t rely on sensory characteristics?
In web accessibility, what are sensory characteristics? How do I write instructions that don't rely on sensory characteristics?
- sensory characteristics
- user experience
Should inputs and buttons have the same focus state?
Should text input text focus state be the same as buttons keyboard focus state?
- buttons
- color contrast
- focus
- text input
How do I know whether an image of text is decorative?
Success Criterion 1.4.9: Images of Text (No Exception) states that text “used for pure decoration” is one of the few allowed uses for images of text. How do I know whether text is decorative?
- decorative images
- images
- text
Can I hide content while maintaining web accessibility?
How can I hide content while still maintaining web accessibility?
- aria
- hidden content
How do I make my podcast accessible?
How do I make my podcast accessible to people with disabilities?
- audio
- audio controls
How do I prevent user errors on my website?
How do I prevent user errors on my website?
- errors
- forms
- labels
- user experience