Create content that can be presented in different ways (for example simpler layout) without losing information or structure.
Questions & Answers
What is the difference between legend and label elements?
I'm working on updating my site and have become a little confused about the differences between legend and label elements. Can you explain?
- label
- legend
How is CSS pseudo content treated by screen readers?
I've been told to be aware of CSS pseudo content because of the way it is treated by screen readers. Do you have any guidance?
- css psuedo content
How do I know if my websites structure is laid out correctly?
My page looks good visually, but I am not sure if its structure is laid out properly or if I used the right elements. How am I supposed to know if I've done things the "right" way?
- best practices
- building content
- html
- page structure
How do you fix a “suspicious link text” warning in the Wave Scanner?
I ran my page through the wave scanner in chrome and got 'suspicious link text' as a warning. My question is this... how specific do I need to make the text? If I go over the top and make it super specific it goes away...
- best practices
- building content
- html
- wave scanner
Does my site need to be usable if the CSS and javascript doesn’t load?
I've always wondered this but never really known for sure. Let's say none of my CSS or javascript loads. Does the site still need to be usable? I know a lot of really big sites are useless without CSS and javascript so I'm betting the...
- best practices
- html
- javascript
- page structure
How can I make my website available in other languages?
I have a Wordpress site written in English. Do you guys know of a plugin or something that I can do to make it available in other languages as well?
- translations
- wordpress
What is an orphaned form label?
When using the Wave Scanner to repair my website I saw the warning "Orphaned Form Label", with the description was “a form label is present but it is not correctly associated with a form control”. What is this?
- form
- html