Tagged: best practices

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Questions & Answers

Why aren’t accessibility best practices part of WCAG success criteria?

Accessibility guides and audit results will include “accessibility best practices” that aren’t tied to a specific success criterion. If these practices are helpful, why aren’t they already success criteria in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines?

  • best practices
  • user experience

How detailed should image alt text be?

We’re writing image descriptions for product pages, and there are a lot of image details we could potentially include in the alternative text. How much detail is really required?

  • alt text
  • best practices
  • images

How should keyboard navigation work in a group of radio buttons?

Let's say we have a form with a few multiple choice questions, each with a "Yes" and “No" radio button option. Should tabbing be used to move from question to question, but not for the options within each question (use left and right or up...

  • best practices
  • keyboard navigation
  • radio button