Tagged: autoplay

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Questions & Answers

Why does an auto-playing video require a pause mechanism?

We often use background videos (looped, no sound) in the hero with i.e. the headline on it. It's a great eyecatcher and the users like it a lot. The WCAG guideline says that this should not be allowed if the video does not stop after...

  • autoplay
  • video

Why can’t I autoplay videos with no sound?

We often use background videos (looped, no sound) with something like the headline on it. It's a great eyecatcher and the users like it a lot. The WCAG criterion 2.2.2 says that this should not be allowed – only if the video would stop after...

  • autoplay
  • prerecorded video
  • video only

Integrating Auto Play Video Into Homepage

I'm working on integrating video into a homepage. I am mainly wondering about video accessibility constraints. Ideally I want the video to autoplay when the page loads and loop when the video ends. A play/pause button will be overlayed on top of the video. Wondering...

  • autoplay
  • video
  • wcag