Information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive.
Questions & Answers
Are semantic heading levels important?
Why are semantic/programmatic heading levels important?
- headings
- text
Does my website or application need to be responsive?
Does my website or application need to be responsive, even if it is not intended to be used on mobile devices? Why?
- mobile
- reflow
- resize text
- responsive
- zoom
Does alternative text resolve an “Images of Text” failure?
I added alternative text that is identical to an image of text's content. Does this solve the accessibility issue "Images of Text"?
- alt text
- images
- text
How do I use decorative images in social media?
I don't want to describe a decorative image. How do I make the attribute empty when using alt text in social media? e.g. I don't want a screen reader to read "Image."
- alt tags
- graphics
- images
- social media
How should I approach audio descriptions for slideshow presentations?
I want to add audio description to a slideshow that presents a photo and text exhibition. In the slideshow, images and text alternate. The audio until now only contains music. The images show people and the text gives more background about the people. When describing...
- audio descriptions
Why can’t I use CSS :before and :after to insert content?
It's really very annoying that CSS pseudo element content, either :before or :after is outlawed. It is a really useful way of storing stock responses to activities, effectively creating global variables that have to be set only once. Eg html[lang="en"] [pageType="multichoice"] .wellDoneDiv::before{ content:"Well Done, that's...
- css psuedo content
What WCAG color contrast guidelines apply to sub brand logos?
Our team is designing logos for a medical brand and we understand that LOGOS (assume primary logos, such as the Amazon logo) do not need to be ADA-Compliant, but what about subbrands that are typed out such as HEALTH BRAND | Insurance Plans?
- branding
- color
- contrast
- contrast ratios
- text
Choosing the Best Fonts for Accessibility
What fonts should we use; serif or sans-serif? Are there any guidelines for HTML or email?
- Font
- text
- Typefaces
What Is Synchronized Media?
What is synchronized media (1.2)? Is a video with audio considered synchronized?
- audio
- audio descriptions
- captions
- prerecorded video
- video