Information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive.
Questions & Answers
Should labels for form fields be coded as headings?
Should labels for form fields be coded as headings?
- forms
- headings
- labels
Do audio-based notifications require controls to conform with WCAG?
My web app has a critical audio notification of a ringing phone when the user is receiving an invitation to chat. Is it required to have an audio control?
- audio
- audio controls
- notifications
- wcag
How should I hide the slides of a carousel that aren’t displayed visually?
How should I hide the slides of a carousel that aren't displayed visually?
- accessibility tree
- carousel
- focus
Does the level one heading tag on a page need to be visible to the eye and to screen readers?
I'm working on using headings to help make my website easier for screen reader users to navigate a page. Do I need to have both a visible <h1> heading and an <h1> tag that a screen reader can recognize?
- headings
- html
- page structure
What are description lists?
What are description lists and when should I use them?
- description lists
- html
- lists
When should I use required vs. aria-required?
In a form field, when should I use required vs. aria-required?
- aria
- aria attributes
- form
- html
How do I ensure my translated website is still accessible?
There are so many translation services and tools out there. How do I make sure that my website is still accessible in languages other than English?
- aria
- html
- images
- text
- translations
What is the required page width for testing “Resize Text”?
When testing for "Resize Text,’" is there a specific width the page should be set to?
- manual testing
- reflow
- resize text
- zoom
Will “high contrast mode” fix my color contrast issues?
Can I just add a "high contrast mode" to my app take care of all of my contrast issues?
- color
- color blind
- contrast
- high contrast mode
Why does all content need to be available while a page is zoomed in?
Why does all content need to remain available to users while the browser is zoomed in? Isn’t it compliant since the content isn’t available to everyone while in that state?
- mobile
- reflow
- resize text
- zoom