Provide text alternatives for any non-text content so that it can be changed into other forms people need, such as large print, braille, speech, symbols or simpler language.
Questions & Answers
How detailed should image alt text be?
We’re writing image descriptions for product pages, and there are a lot of image details we could potentially include in the alternative text. How much detail is really required?
- alt text
- best practices
- images
Do my product images need alternative text?
My product description is very detailed. Do my product images still need alternative text?
- alt text
- images
- user experience
How do I know if an image is decorative?
What's the best way to decide whether an image is meaningful or decorative?
- alt text
- decorative images
- graphics
- images
Users can upload images to my web app. Am I required to provide alt text?
Users can upload images to my web app. Am I required to provide alt text?
- alt text
- images
- user content
How do I use decorative images in social media?
I don't want to describe a decorative image. How do I make the attribute empty when using alt text in social media? e.g. I don't want a screen reader to read "Image."
- alt tags
- graphics
- images
- social media
How should I approach audio descriptions for slideshow presentations?
I want to add audio description to a slideshow that presents a photo and text exhibition. In the slideshow, images and text alternate. The audio until now only contains music. The images show people and the text gives more background about the people. When describing...
- audio descriptions
Images on Ecommerce Site
For ecommerce sites, when should images be coded as meaningful and when should they be coded as decorative?
- alt tags
- ecommerce
- images
When should I use a “null” or empty alt tag?
I've read recently that there are situations where a null or empty alt tag is appropriate. In what situations should I use an empty alt attribute?
- alt tags
- empty alt
- null alt attribute
How can I make an image act as a button?
I am curious about how to make an image act as a button and ensure it's accessible. Any guidance?
- buttons
- images