Questions & Answers
In web accessibility, which text is part of the visible label?
I’ve built form fields that are part of a sentence — I basically want the user to fill in the blanks. However, that also means there is a lot of text near the form fields. Which text counts as the visible label?
- form fields
- forms
- visible labels
When is user error prevention required?
When do I have to make sure users don't make an error on my site?
- errors
- forms
- user experience
How do I prevent user errors on my website?
How do I prevent user errors on my website?
- errors
- forms
- labels
- user experience
What if a select box changes the rest of my form?
If form content changes after selecting a value in a select box, is it necessary to explain in advance in text that the form will change and should that be read aloud? Or do I have to provide a submit button to initiate the change...
- change of context
- forms
- select box
When should I use autocomplete attributes?
If the user is expected to be entering information about someone else into a form, do the form inputs still need autocomplete values?
- autocomplete
- form
- form fields
- forms
What’s the difference between a fieldset and a radio group?
What is the main difference between a fieldset and a radio group?
- aria
- forms
- html
Should labels for form fields be coded as headings?
Should labels for form fields be coded as headings?
- forms
- headings
- labels