Content must be robust enough that it can be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of user agents, including assistive technologies.
Questions & Answers
How should I code elements with similar designs but different roles?
My footer has five buttons and one link, but they all look like buttons. I think users will expect all the elements to be the same type of element (all buttons or all links), and may be confused that they’re different. Which is more important,...
- aria roles
- user experience
What is a DOM, and how does it affect accessibility?
What is a DOM, and how does it affect accessibility?
- html
- page structure
How do I build an accessible website?
How do I build an accessible website?
- html
- manual testing
- user testing
What’s the difference between aria-controls and aria-owns?
What's the difference between aria-controls and aria-owns?
- aria
- aria-controls
- aria-owns
What’s the difference between a fieldset and a radio group?
What is the main difference between a fieldset and a radio group?
- aria
- forms
- html
When should I use required vs. aria-required?
In a form field, when should I use required vs. aria-required?
- aria
- aria attributes
- form
- html