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Questions & Answers
Do I need to add a ‘role’ attribute to html 5 tags like nav aside, main, etc.?
I am using the new html 5 tags on my site to give it more semantics. In addition to this should they all be given the corresponding role?
- best practices
- html
How do I know if my websites structure is laid out correctly?
My page looks good visually, but I am not sure if its structure is laid out properly or if I used the right elements. How am I supposed to know if I've done things the "right" way?
- best practices
- building content
- html
- page structure
Does my site need to be usable if the CSS and javascript doesn’t load?
I've always wondered this but never really known for sure. Let's say none of my CSS or javascript loads. Does the site still need to be usable? I know a lot of really big sites are useless without CSS and javascript so I'm betting the...
- best practices
- html
- javascript
- page structure
Is there a form element meant to provide instruction?
I know how to add labels to form inputs to 'label' what they are. I am wondering if there is something similar for describing what a field is in more details? I want to there to be little text under a text field but don't...
- best practices
- form
- html