Information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive.
Questions & Answers
How can I make link text stand out?
How do I distinguish link text without using color alone?
- color
- link text
- links
Do my product images need alternative text?
My product description is very detailed. Do my product images still need alternative text?
- alt text
- images
- user experience
How do I know if an image is decorative?
What's the best way to decide whether an image is meaningful or decorative?
- alt text
- decorative images
- graphics
- images
Does dynamically changing text color meet accessibility requirements?
My website has text that changes color as you scroll. Text at the bottom of the screen is lightly colored, and is below minimum contrast. However, as the user scrolls, the text becomes darker and meets minimum contrast once it reaches the top half of...
- contrast
- interactive
- text
How are layout tables and data tables different?
What is the difference between layout tables and data tables?
- Data Tables
- Layout Tables
- Tables
What is a DOM, and how does it affect accessibility?
What is a DOM, and how does it affect accessibility?
- html
- page structure
How do I build an accessible website?
How do I build an accessible website?
- html
- manual testing
- user testing
When can text links have 3:1 color contrast?
Some sites say link text color contrast should be 4.5:1, and some sites say link text color contrast should be 3:1. When is 3:1 color contrast sufficient for link text?
- contrast ratios
- links
- text
What is an unordered list vs. an ordered list?
What is the difference between a <ul> and an <ol>?
- html
- lists
- ordered list
- unordered list