Questions & Answers
How do you include assistive technology, like screen readers, in manual audits?
How do you include assistive technology, like screen readers, in manual audits?
- manual auditing
What are some things to avoid or watch out for when auditing?
What are some things to avoid or watch out for when auditing?
- manual auditing
When is a success criterion considered not applicable during an audit?
When is a success criteria not applicable?
- manual auditing
How do you audit more complex keyboard navigation situations like where a component exposes more content?
How do you audit more complex keyboard navigation situations like where a component exposes more content?
- keyboard navigation
- manual auditing
What is an example of something that automated scanning cannot capture?
What is an example of something that automated scanning cannot capture?
- manual auditing
How can I test for character key shortcuts?
How can I test for character key shortcuts?
- character key
- keyboard
- manual auditing
- shortcuts
Where should keyboard focus go in modals?
When a user opens a modal, where should focus go?
- focus
- keyboard
- manual auditing
- modal