Questions & Answers
How do you audit more complex keyboard navigation situations like where a component exposes more content?
How do you audit more complex keyboard navigation situations like where a component exposes more content?
- keyboard navigation
- manual auditing
Aside from having a physical keyboard in front of you, what other applications exist for keyboards with assistive technologies?
Aside from having a physical keyboard in front of you, what other applications exist for keyboards with assistive technologies?
- external keyboard
- keyboard navigation
How can I use keyboard shortcuts while still meeting Accessibility Guidelines?
How can I use keyboard shortcuts while still meeting Accessibility Guidelines?
- keyboard
- keyboard navigation
When are arrow keys acceptable as navigation tools? Is it acceptable to require arrow keys to use something like a complex menu? Or should they be reserved for performing additional functionality or as an extra way to move around?
When are arrow keys acceptable as navigation tools? Is it acceptable to require arrow keys to use something like a complex menu? Or should they be reserved for performing additional functionality or as an extra way to move around?
- keyboard navigation
Do automatically updating search results count as a change of context?
If search results automatically update while a user is typing in a search field, is this a change of context?
- keyboard navigation
- On Input
Do small navigation bars need skip links?
If there are only a few navigation links in my header, do I still need a link to skip to the main content?
- keyboard navigation
- skip links
How should keyboard navigation work in a group of radio buttons?
Let's say we have a form with a few multiple choice questions, each with a "Yes" and “No" radio button option. Should tabbing be used to move from question to question, but not for the options within each question (use left and right or up...
- best practices
- keyboard navigation
- radio button
What are the keyboard navigation requirements for my web app?
What are the keyboard navigation requirements for my web app?
- keyboard
- keyboard navigation
- wcag
Are “ghost tab stops” considered accessibility violations under WCAG?
There's an element on my site that makes the keyboard tab to it even though there isn't a visible item to focus on. Will this "ghost tab stop" fail under the WCAG?
- best practices
- cognitive
- keyboard
- keyboard navigation
- usability
- wcag