Information and the operation of user interface must be understandable.
Questions & Answers
Do automatically updating search results count as a change of context?
If search results automatically update while a user is typing in a search field, is this a change of context?
- keyboard navigation
- On Input
What if a select box changes the rest of my form?
If form content changes after selecting a value in a select box, is it necessary to explain in advance in text that the form will change and should that be read aloud? Or do I have to provide a submit button to initiate the change...
- change of context
- forms
- select box
Are there multiple ways to build an accessible widget?
I'm trying to build a widget that follows an example in the W3C ARIA Authoring Practices Guide, but I can't quite match it because of the way my site is built. Can my widget still be accessible?
- aria
- custom widgets
How do I build an accessible website?
How do I build an accessible website?
- html
- manual testing
- user testing
Should labels for form fields be coded as headings?
Should labels for form fields be coded as headings?
- forms
- headings
- labels
What are the differences between label, aria-label, aria-labelledby and aria-describedby?
There appear to be several ways to put a label on items in order for them to be accessible for users of screen readers or other assistive technologies. Which method of labeling should I use?
- accessible name
- aria
- aria attributes
- aria-label
- form
- form input labels
- form labels
- forms
- html
- label
How do I ensure my translated website is still accessible?
There are so many translation services and tools out there. How do I make sure that my website is still accessible in languages other than English?
- aria
- html
- images
- text
- translations