Maximize compatibility with current and future user agents, including assistive technologies.
Questions & Answers
How should list items be nested?
I am getting an automated scanner error that “<li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol>”, but in my code the <li> elements are contained in <ul>. What’s going on?
- accessibility tree
- lists
- scanner errors
Why are nested interactive controls an accessibility issue?
My automated accessibility scanner is flagging an error for nested interactive controls. Why is that a problem?
- focus
- interactive
- scanner errors
Are there multiple ways to build an accessible widget?
I'm trying to build a widget that follows an example in the W3C ARIA Authoring Practices Guide, but I can't quite match it because of the way my site is built. Can my widget still be accessible?
- aria
- custom widgets
How do I code an image as a link and make it accessible?
I have an image on my site that I want to code as a link? How do I code an image as a link and make it accessible?
- alt text
- images
- links
How should I code elements with similar designs but different roles?
My footer has five buttons and one link, but they all look like buttons. I think users will expect all the elements to be the same type of element (all buttons or all links), and may be confused that they’re different. Which is more important,...
- aria roles
- user experience