How can I help my company take the first step towards shifting left?
Shifting left is an organizational effort. You can start the shift by inquiring and recruiting some of your team to chat about your current accessibility status. Chances are you already have employees with disabilities, whether visible or otherwise. These folks already know your organization, and they can share their lived experiences and identify some areas where you could start making some improvements.
Second, you should set specific goals and objectives. A lot of organizations have an overall goal to be more accessible, which is fantastic, but it’s important to take the next step of figuring out concrete actions or specific outcomes that you can work toward. If you can identify some of these actions, you can track and measure your progress. This specificity helps light your path thereafter as you continue progressing.
There is a tremendous ripple effect for every small step you take toward shifting left. Focus on progress over perfection, and keep in mind that each small step you take will have a larger positive influence on the process as a whole than you might see at the moment.