What are multiple ways to navigate web pages?
When a site has numerous web pages, users must have multiple ways to find them. Implementing more than one way to navigate web pages may help people find information faster. Also, some users may find that one method is simpler or more usable than another.
The two most common ways to ensure users have multiple ways to find web pages are to include a full site search tool and a sitemap (HTML, not XML, for this purpose). However, some other methods include navigation components and footer links. If navigation components and footer links are used as the method of choice, ensure that all navigational UI components that are repeated across multiple web pages are presented in the same order each time they are presented.
Note: All pages of the site, unless they are part of a process (such as a checkout), should be found by two or more ways.
Check out the Guided Manual WCAG Audit Tool from Accessible Web for support when evaluating web pages for this criterion.