Interact with your historical data

Staying on top of your web accessibility is simple with our interactive charts. You can explore changes in automated accessibility scores, page violations, and recommendations. This feature helps you pinpoint what’s affecting your score and what you should tackle next.

Accessing & interacting with your charts

Historical automated scanning data lives in the Automated Scanning History tab — accessible through the Automated Scanning tab.

In this tab, you can select any data point on your chart to display a list of events that occurred since the previous data point. You can access this information in 2 ways. 

From the Overview tab

  • Select the website you wish to analyze and navigate to its Overview tab.
RAMP's sidebar nav with the "overview" tab highlighted.
  • The “Changes in the last 30 days” section in this tab displays new and resolved recommendations. To find the rest of the data, click the “See all changes” link to navigate to the Automated Scanning History page.
RAMP's "changes in the last 30 days" table. There is one recommendation labeled as new.
  • Once in the Automated Scanning History page, choose the type of chart and date range you’d like to analyze.
A dropdown button with chart options: violations, automated scanning score, page scans, and pages.
  • Once you’ve chosen a chart, select the data point you’re interested in comparing. This will show you all of the events that happened since the previous data point.
A website's 30 day violation history on a chart. The date range from 4/4 to 4/5 is highlighted in blue.
  • You can do so in one of 3 ways.
    1. Click on any data point on the chart,
    2. Click on a date on the x-axis of the chart, or
    3. Set a date range below the chart.
A data point on a chart with a blue circle around it.
A date on the x-axis of a chart with a blue circle around it.
A date range dropdown field.
  • Select the type of events you wish to display in the “Historical Changes” section below the chart. You can choose between violations and recommendations.
A section on the Automated History page in RAMP. It is titled "Historical Changes" and there is an option to select the type of changes and date range.
  • Once the events display, hover over their icons to see if the events are new, updated, or resolved. In the example below, the website’s pricing page has 3 resolved violations. The table shows the number of violations and affected elements that pertained to the page on those days.
A table showing the pages with violations on a certain date.

From the Automated Scanning tab

  • Select the website you wish to analyze and navigate to its Automated Scanning tab.
RAMP's sidebar nav with the "automated scanning" tab highlighted.
  •  Click the “View all trends” link in the chart section.
A website's violation history over the last 30 days in a chart. There is a link which states "View all trends."
  • Repeat steps 3-6 from above.