


Accommodate your concert goers, film fanatics and sports fans

Don’t block full access to shows, concerts, stadiums and other events

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for title II and title III–under public accommodations and commercial facilities–requires your website to be accessible.

Your facilities need to comply with physical ADA regulations, and so does your website. Better access to your site means more ticket sales and less customer frustration. Coding for accessibility also enhances your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Everyone deserves access to convenient and equitable ticketing systems so they can enjoy art and events.

We can help you avoid lawsuits and provide everyone with equal access to arts and entertainment.


  • Inclusion – equal access to your content for all users, regardless of ability
  • Usability – removing barriers & frustration points within your digital experience provides and enhanced user experience for all.
  • Legal Protection / Compliance – reduced risk of lawsuits & the financial impact they cause
  • Financial –  providing equal access to all users means you’re more likely sell more tickets