How do I prevent users from being interrupted?
Interruptions on your page may cause issues for users who have trouble focusing. Any alerts, pop-ups, or messages on your site create interruptions that users may not want to interact with. W3C's understanding document covers a few ways to keep interruptions from your page. One way is to allow users to turn alerts on or off. This way they have the option of the alerts but do not have to interact with them.
Another way is to allow users to manually update the page. For example, if you have a news feed that automatically updates, consider adding a button that must be pressed in order to update the page content. Similarly, the last technique is using a form to control how frequently alerts appear. Users can enter a number to say how frequently they want to see interruptions.
To understand more about the user experience your site creates, contact our team of Accessibility Testers and schedule your consultation today!