Ecommerce is the future, and so is accessible online shopping
Consumer-facing industries benefit from online systems, so make sure everyone has digital access to your products
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Title II and Title III–under public accommodations and commercial facilities–requires your website to be accessible.
Online-shopping has given many folks with disabilities independence in their lives, so continue to foster this culture of access through your website. Coding for accessibility enhances your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Better access to your site means more sales and increase customer retention. Everyone deserves access to your products.
Start providing a seamless retail experience for ALL e-shoppers today.
- Inclusion – equal access to your content for all users, regardless of ability
- Usability – removing barriers & frustration points within your digital experience provides and enhanced user experience for all.
- Legal Protection / Compliance – reduced risk of lawsuits & the financial impact they cause
- Financial – providing equal access to all users means more profit.