Education / Higher Ed



Schools and educational institutions are obligated to be accessible

Students deserve inclusive learning opportunities

Schools and school districts must comply with The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Students should be learning, not struggling to use technologies or tools only designed for certain learners. Inaccessible educational sites isolate students who cannot fully use them. This could result in an investigation by the Office of Civil Rights or the Department of Justice.

Connect with Accessible Web today to start your path to providing equitable learning experiences for all learners.


  • Inclusion – equal access to your content for all users, regardless of ability
  • Usability – removing barriers & frustration points within your digital experience provides and enhanced user experience for all.
  • Legal Protection / Compliance – reduced risk of lawsuits & the financial impact they cause
  • Financial –  providing equal access to all users means you’re more likely to gain new students or applications